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Travel Safe, Travel Smart, Travel Solo Resolution
How does it LOOK, SOUND and FEEL in your MIND AND BODY when you IMAGINE – Yourself living your dream OR Taking your dream holiday???
TRAVEL QUOTE : “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”― Mark Twain
Traveling with Me, Myself and I contain affiliate links. If you purchase products, like Travel Insurance or Book your Flight or Hotel etc using the links provided, I will earn a small commission. This costs you NOTHING extra. My recommendations are for products that I use or that have been highly rated. These commissions help me run my website and help all the travelers with helpful tips on how to Travel Safe, Travel Smart and Travel Solo. Thank you for your support, your business and your friendship. Yogita XX
Top 23 Insight Tips for Travelers wanting to “Travel Safe, Travel Smart and Travel Solo.
12 Alarming Facts You Should Know Before You Book Your Solo Travel Adventure
Come – Explore Queenstown, New Zealand.
You will find Queenstown sitting on the shores of the South Island’s Lake Wakatipu. The third largest lake in New Zealand.

Contact Info
Traveling With Me, Myself and I
Travel Books for Women
P O Box 1258 Buddina, Queensland 4575 Australia
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What “Traveling with Me, Myself and I” teaches?
I am in introvert by nature, I am a deep thinker, I wear my heart on my sleeve and I do not like small talks and fake people. Growing up I struggled fitting in. For two reasons, my brain is wired in a genius creative way, When I look at words they are normally dancing...